Friday, January 21, 2022

January 21st, 2022 - "Vibration Between People... That's What We Need!": An Interview With Roby Vitari of MINDWARS


Hey there all you thrashers and heavy metal maniacs!  Your hard rockin' drinking buddy the Meista here today with another killer interview for you!  I recently had the great pleasure of speaking with the very friendly and talented Roby Vitari, drummer of MINDWARS.  Hell yeah!  Here's a link to that video interview in its entirety:


Learn more about MINDWARS here:

Cheers and Hails!!   \m/  \m/

*Photo of Roby by Alex Solca Photography
**Special thanks to Jerry Howard for creating the Brews and Tunes intro video and to DiseNgaged for the use of their song "The Real Me" (copyright 2020)

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