Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 20th, 2022 - Diamanti L’autentica


Buona sera and hails metal heads and beer lovers!  Your drinking buddy the Meista here rocking the hell out to "Diamanti", the wonderful 6th album from Italian melodic metal band Temperance and a crisp and delicious Birra Morreti L’autentica!  Hells yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Temperance
  • Title: "Diamanti"
  • Recorded: 2021 in Italy 
  • Release date: November 19th, 2021 (6th full-length studio album by Temperance)
  • Record company: Napalm Records
  • Production: Marco Pastorino and Michele "Meek" Guaitoli
  • Album cover art: Yann Souetre
  • Personnel: Liuk Abbott (bass), Michele Guaitoli (lead and backing vocals, and keyboards), Alfonso Mocerino (drums), Marco Pastorino (guitars and lead and backing vocals), and Alessia Scolletti (lead vocals and backing)
  • Musical style: Melodic metal, symphonic metal, power metal
  • Sound: Upbeat and melodic, the sound on "Diamanti" is an incredibly powerful, inviting, and complex music journey.  The band blends heavy guitar riffs with fast-paced drumming and bass in a style reminiscent of Helloween and Gamma Ray, but wholly their own.  The vocal trio of Guaitoli, Pastorino, and Scolletti is a force of nature!  Their amazing voices complement and play off of each other beautifully! 
  • Major themes: Life, heavy metal, nature, hope, darkness, light, science fiction/fantasy, death, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Pure Life Unfolds"
  2. "Breaking The Rules Of Heavy Metal"
  3. "Diamanti"
  4. "Black Is My Heart"
  5. "Litany Of The Northern Lights"
  6. "You Only Live Once"
  7. "I The Loneliness"
  8. "Codebreaker"
  9. "The Night Before The End"
  10. "Fairy Tale For The Stars"
  11. "Let's Get Started"
  12. "Follow Me"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Birra Morreti (Udine, Italy)
  • Website:
  • Brew: Birra Morreti L’autentica
  • Style: European Lager 
  • Serving: 12 ounce bottle
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • Ingredients: Water, Malted Barley, Maize, and Hops
  • Pour: The Birra Morreti pours a clear, golden-yellow hue with a frothy, 1-finger, bright white. head that dissipates to the thin ring with good retention and lacing
  • Nose: The nose is fruity, bready, and grainy.  There are aromas of doughy bread, corn, apple, pear, barley, light hay, and caramel.
  • Taste: The taste, like the nose is characterized by light fruity and malty flavors.  There are notes of crackery grains, apple, sweet biscuit, light honey, and hints of caramel/toffee. 
  • Mouthfeel: Light-bodied and well-carbonated, the Birra Morreti L’autentica's mouthfeel is refreshing, crisp, and smooth with a dry, slightly sweet, yet clean finish.

Overall pairing: The bright, malty, and fruity flavors and aromas of the 
Birra Morreti L’autentica are perfect for the power metal punch and high energy of Temperance!  Those sweeter malt notes are great for the straightforward rocking depth, while the fruitier notes are great for the fast, melodic rhythms and vocal prowess!  And what better way to rock out to an Italian band than with a very crushable Italian brew?!


And check out my interviews with Marco:  and Meek:!

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