Evening friends... the Meista here with a bombastic pairing tonight... "Karma" by symphonic power metal gods Kamelot and a Weez Ale from Maine Beer Company!
Released on July 9th, 2001, "Karma" is the 5th studio album by Kamelot. Richly textured, intriguing, and powerful... all elements of this fine album and the songs within. Thomas Youngblood's blistering guitar work is both inspiring and profound! The amazingly fast drumming of Casey Grillo coupled with the thunderous bass work of Glenn Barry is epic! And of course, Roy Khan's vocal performance is powerfully brilliant! The 3 part song "Elizabeth I, II & III", based on the story of Elizabeth Bathory is in itself compelling enough to buy the album, let alone the other wonderful tracks like "Forever" (based on "Solveig's Song"), "Don't You Cry" (dedicated to Youngblood's late father), "Wings Of Despair", "The Spell", among others helped solidify the importance of Kamelot's importance as not only a great symphonic metal band, but simply as a worldwide metal act! This album is BIG! And speaking of big...
The Weez from Maine Beer Company is a wonderfully rich and bold black IPA. It pours an ink black with a big, thick, and frothy mocha head that leaves solid lacing with good retention. The nose is an interest blend of citrusy fruit ester and bitter earth tones. There are aromas of pineapple, lemon, and grapefruit along with roasted malts, bittersweet dark chocolate, and dark roasted coffees. Medium bodied with moderate carbonation, the Weez is smooth and velvety, but with a sharp bite. As opposed to a lot of other black IPAs I've had, the Weez has almost more of a porter character... very malty and roasty with prevalent chocolate and coffee bean flavors. The bitter hops are there, but much more subtle and less piney than what you would expect. The Weez is a big, bold brew that works wonderfully well with the complex and bombastic sounds of symphonic/power metal rockers Kamelot!
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