Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21st, 2021 - The Eternal Pursuit Of Atonement


Good morning my metal and craft beer brethren!  Reverend Meista here today on this glorious Sunday preachin' about "Atonement" by death metal monsters Immolation and partaking of the unholy sacrament with a complex and delicious Eternal Pursuit Volume 1: Belgian Dark Strong Ale from the Red Feather Small-Batch Series made by the fine folks over at Level Crossing Brewing Company!  Hell yes!!

Album Info: 

  • Artist: Immolation
  • Title: "Atonement"
  • Recorded: June 2016 at Millbrook Sound Studios in Millbrook, New York
  • Release date: February 24th, 2017 (10th full-length studio album by Immolation)
  • Record company: Nuclear Blast
  • Production: Paul Orofino 
  • Album cover art: Pär Olofsson 
  • Personnel: Alex Bouks (guitars), Ross Dolan (bass and vocals), Steve Shalaty (drums), and Robert Vigna (guitars) 
  • Musical style: Death metal
  • Sound: Aggressive, heavy as hell, and even a sludgy at times, the sound on "Atonement" is classic Immolation with lots of lovely dissonant harmonic patterns over intricate rhythms and drum patterns!  From the opening notes of to the final earth-shattering note of "", this album grabs you by the collar, slams you against the wall, and demands your attention!  Dolan and Shalaty are a battering ram of rhythmic intensity, while Bouks and Vigna shred the hell outta these tracks!!
  • Major themes: Death, darkness, society, inner turmoil, the occult, blasphemy, anti-religion, destruction, evil, etc.
  • Tracks:  
    1. "The Distorting Light"
    2. "When The Jackals Come"
    3. "Fostering The Divide"
    4. "Rise The Heretics"
    5. "Thrown To The Fire"
    6. "Destructive Currents"
    7. "Lower"
    8. "Atonement"
    9. "Above All"
    10. "The Power Of Gods"
    11. "Epiphany"
    12. "Immolation"

Brew Info:

  • Brewery: Level Crossing Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website: 
  • Brew: Eternal Pursuit Volume 1: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • Style: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 8.8%
  • IBUs: 24 
  • Pour: The Eternal Pursuit pours a deep, dark mahogany-copper brown with a half-finger, light beige head that dissipates to the thin ring with sparse lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is characterized by rich, earthy, and notes fruity esters.  There are aromas of tart and sweet dark fruits (black cherries, plums, raisins, and figs), hints of red wine, soft banana, cocoa, and toffee.
  • Taste: Following the nose, the taste of the Eternal Pursuit is a blend of tart and sweet fruit, sweet malts, earthy chocolate, and a hint of booze.  There are notes of tart cherry juice, plum, raisin, dates, fig, apricot, port, soft caramel, and chocolate covered bananas.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied with moderate carbonation, the mouthfeel is tart, yet rich, crisp, yet substantial with a dry, slightly sweet finish.

Overall pairing: Wonderfully complex, fruity and rich, the Level Crossing Eternal Pursuit is a beast of a brew, yet very drinkable... perfect for the aggressive death metal onslaught that is Immolation's badass "Atonement"!  'Nuff said!

Cheers!!  Horns raised!! 

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