Friday, November 16, 2018

November 17th, 2018 - The One-Off Outlaw Vs. Pride & Justice... "We Can All Get Fucked Up!"

Good evening head bangers and hop-heads!  Your pal the Meista here tonight pairing a few local big time favorites of mine... the brand new, kickass album, "Pride Vs. Justice" by long time thrashers Truce In Blood, a One-Off Ale from veteran owned Talisman Brewing Company, and a deliciously smooth shot of whiskey from Outlaw Distillery!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Truce In Blood
  • Title: "Pride Vs. Justice"
  • Recorded: 2018 at Soundwave Studios in Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Release date: 2018 (about fucking time fellas! :) )
  • Record company: Soundwave Studios
  • Production: Truce In Blood
  • Album cover art: R. Brandon Voeller 
  • Personnel: Steve Busch (guitars), Thorvald "Mike" Eldredge (vocals), Paul Griffin (drums), Shane McCormick (guitars), Tracy "Rooster" Sweetring (bass)
  • Musical style: Thrash metal, metalcore, death metal
  • Sound: Aggressive, high-energy, and brutal as hell, Truce In Blood is the definitive Utah thrash metal band!  This no holds bar band has been wrecking necks since 1984 and gets heavier and better with age!  The guitar work by McCormick and Busch is fiery, fierce, and soars like a fucking jet fighter!  Griffin and Rooster lay down a thunderous rhythm that will split your head open!  And Thor's vocals are wonderfully honest and brutal! 
  • Major themes: Violence, price, justice, vengeance, booze, heavy metal, power, might, truth, etc.
  • Tracks:   
  1. "Pride Vs. Justice"
  2. "My Eyes"
  3. "Into The Sun"
  4. "Nitrous"
  5. "Minys The Body"
  6. "Rightous"
  7. "Nitrous" (Clean Version)

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: Talisman Brewing Company (Ogden, Utah)
  • Website:
  • Brew:  One-Off Ale (The Dagda IPA)
  • Style: Double India Pale Ale (DIPA)
  • Serving: 32 ounce crowler can
  • ABV: 8.2%
  • IBUs: 65
  • Pour: The One-Off Ale pours a hazy, golden orange with a frothy, 1+ finger white head with great sustain and lots of intricate lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is very fruity, citrusy, dank, and sweet.  There are aromas of orange juice, grapefruit juice, tangerine, pine resin, fresh baked bread, and soft caramel.
  • Taste: The taste of the One-Off Ale follows the nose with lots of citrusy, fruity, sweet, and earthy flavors.  There are notes of orange juice, tangerine, pine, black tea, bitter herbs, and sweet caramel.  
  • Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel of the One-Off Ale is crisp, yet somewhat thick and sticky with a dry, slightly bitter finish.
Overall pairing: The One-Off Ale is a small batch, limited edition, wonderfully complex and tasty DIPA and coupled with a shot of whiskey from Outlaw Distillery, it is perfect for the heavy metal onslaught that is Truce In Blood's wonderful "Pride Vs. Justice"!  Those punchy, hoppy flavors and aromas of the One-Off and the bold, malty notes of Outlaw's whiskey are the perfect companions for the heavy metal onslaught that is Truce In Blood!!

Pick up a copy of Truce In Blood's amazing new CD from the Heavy Metal Shop (, grab a bottle of whiskey from Outlaw Distillery (, and a brew from Talisman Brewing Company and embrace a fucking kickass evening of metal and deliciously crafted beer and whiskey!!

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