Friday, October 21, 2022

October 21st, 2022 - 30 Years Of Pure Hellerbock


Hello, happy Friday, and hails metal maniacs and craft brew freaks!  Today I'm pairing "30 Years Of Pure Hell", the infernal and kick-ass compilation album celebrating the mighty Acheron's wonderful, blackened death metal history and a delicious Oktoberfest Hellerbock German Style Lager from T.F. Brewing Company!  Hell yeah!

Album Info:
  • Artist: Acheron
  • Title: "T0 Years Of Pure Hell"
  • Recorded: 1988 through 
  • Release date: June 6th, 2020 (compilation album by Acheron)
  • Record company: Black Seal Productions / Metal Maniac Records
  • Production: Vincent Crowley and Michael Estes
  • Album cover art: Moonroot (logo)
  • Personnel: Tony Blakk (guitars), Vincent Breeding (guitars), Mike Browning (drums), Richard Christy (drums), Vincent Crowley (bass, guitars, and lead vocals), Michael Estes (guitars), Tony Laureano (drums), Ben Meyer (guitars), Maximus Otworth (guitars and backing vocals), John Scott (keyboards), Kyle Severn (drums and backing vocals), Pete Slate (guitars), James Strauss (drums), Ash Thomas (guitars and backing vocals)
  • Musical style: Death metal, black metal, doom metal
  • Sound: Perfectly blending death, doom, and black metal elements, Acheron's own special style of metal is uniquely their own!  
  • Major themes: Death, the undead, mythology, horror, evil, black magic, the occult, anti-Christianity, blasphemy, Satan, etc.
  • Tracks: 
  1. "Fuck The Ways Of Christ"
  2. "Satan Hold Dominion"
  3. "Ave Satanas"
  4. "Necromanteion Communion"
  5. "Thou Art Lord"
  6. "Church Of One"
  7. "I Am Heathen"
  8. "Legions Of Hatred"
  9. "God Is Dead"
  10. "Prayer Of Hell"
  11. "Blessed By Damnation"
  12. "Power And Might"
  13. "Raptured To Divine Perversion"
  14. "Shemhamforash (The Ultimate Blasphemy)"
  15. "Summoning The Master"
  16. "Seven Deadly Sins"

Brew Info:
  • Brewery: T.F. Brewing (Salt Lake City, Utah)
  • Website: 
  • Brew: Oktoberfest Hellerbock Style German Lager 
  • Style: German Hellerbock 
  • Serving: 16 ounce can
  • ABV: 7.0%
  • Pour: The Oktoberfest pours a clear, golden-amber with a firm, and creamy, 1-finger, eggshell white head with good retention and sticky, sudsy lacing.
  • Nose: The nose is malty, toasty, biscuity, slightly floral, herbal, and sweet.  There are aromas of toasted bread, roasted malts, barley, light apple, and hints of sweet caramel.
  • Taste: Following the nose, the taste of the Oktoberfest is characterized by toasty and malty flavors. There are notes of bready and roasted malts, sweet biscuit, light spices and herbs, light apple juice, and soft caramel/toffee.
  • Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and moderately carbonated, the mouthfeel of the Oktoberfest is smooth and crisp with a dry, mildly bitter finish. 

Overall pairing:  The T.F. Brewing Oktoberfest Hellerbock Style German Lager is a tasty, crushable, yet complex brew... perfect for throwing back whilst rocking the hell out to Acheron's beast of an album, "30 Years Of Pure Hell"!  'Nuff said!

Check out my interview with Vincent Crowley here: 
Check out my interview with Mike Browning here: 
Check out my interview with Tony Blakk here: 

Prost and hails!!

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